"Ouvi na Rádio" | under development
"De Cante" | under development
"Os Sons em Volta" | under development
Raga Rock | under development
“Courage today, Embraces Tomorrow” | in pre-production
Castreja | in pre-production
Morada de Amizades | in pre-production
Nabia | in post-production
Ku Handza | in post-production
Cornucópia | in post-production
"O Feitiço de Areia" | in post-production
Linha de Água
Ultra Violeta
The Anchorage of time
Primeira Obra
carlos nogueira the house within
In Alice's land
The Club
Os Fotocines
Casa Velha
goodbye, Mister antónio
Identities | in development
If the sea allows
The Europeans
It takes two to marry
Monologues with the history
I am the author of my name - Mia Couto
Imensa Saudade
"A Arte de Peregrinar"
skinf of light
Vadio - I Am not a poet!
Special Envoy
Your charming brown eyes
How Many Times Have You Dreamt About Me?
Bullet Points For A Revolution
Inês marcha
The House
From Coal to Waste - The Return to São Pedro da Cova
Black & White Portraits
ruy guerra
the bad girl
Between the Scenes
law of gravity
High District - Alto Bairro
Bag and Baggage
ole antónio ole
stop don't stop
war or peace
bafatá filme clube
in honour of st. gualter
Pandora Box
E ainda a procissão vai no adro...
Kola San Jon é Festa DI Kau Berdi
Letters from Angola
Natália, the tragicomic Diva
Unwavering Light
Cova da Moura Island
"Cinema de Bairro"
Lisbon's Under Arrest
Paths of Pain
Freedom and Responsability
Dois Planos para Manoel de Oliveira
Goodbye, see you tomorrow
Manual of Domestic Feeling
Trip to Madrid
Essay on the Theatre
"Trova do Vento que Passa"
Vídeo Postais de Cabo Verde
Irmãos Catita - Very Sentimental Show
If you can look see. If you can see notice
My mirrors
Theatre of Dreams
Le Cinema
parnu 2001
ten Years Olga Roriz
Olga Roriz - DVD1
Olga Roriz - DVD2
Olga Roriz - DVD3
Olga Roriz - DVD4
Olga Roriz - DVD5
Olga Roriz - DVD6
Olga Roriz - DVD7
O Sonho do Guerreiro
"Sem Lugar nem Data"
Liberalism, Authority, Democracy
Wave Garden
A Journey Along the Côa
Sit Silk and Tchai
"Grande Teatro do Mundo"
"Por um Mundo Melhor"
Good Portuguese People
God, Fatherland, Authority
São Pedro da Cova