


Short documentary film made ten years after the recording of a performance by the theatre group O Bando during the occupation of TSF radio to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the 25th of April.
Today, 50 years after the 25th of April, TSF workers are on the streets fighting for their jobs.


Director: Rui Simões
Image and Sound: Rui Simões, Sofia Ferreira
Editing: Pedro Tavares, Neuza Nogueira, Ana Teresa Rodrigues
Sound mizing: Tiago Inuit
Gradding: Ana Teresa Rodrigues
Music: "Uma Pátria" Poema de Eugênio de Andrade, música de Jorge Salgueiro
Title and Graphics: Neuza Nogueira, Sofia Ferreira
Line Producer: Jacinta Barros
Production:Real Ficção