Rui Simõescreates Real Ficção Productions in 1986 and produces almost every film that he does, besides participating in numerous others audio-visual productions and representing an important role in the Documentary area with special interest in the production of video for the cultural scene.
Real Ficção has also been a regular presence, in the last years, in big national and international events.
In 1999 Jacinta Barros becomes a partner and assumes roles in the management and executive production area.
Recently, we have touched other areas related to the audio visual world, like publicity, web, graphic arts, cultural shows, editing sevices, post production and education.
Real Ficção is a member of APCA - Association of Film and Audiovisual Producers.
Integrado na exposição !dança não dança - Arqueologias da nova dança em Portugal".
15 nov 2024 – 13 jan 2025 10h00 – 18h00 (encerra à terça-feira).
Galeria do Piso Inferior, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Integrado no ciclo de cinema do cineclube CINEMAR.
28 de Novembro, 19h00, Universidade Católica, em Lisboa.
Integrado no I Festival de Portunhol.
27, 28 e 29 de Novembro, Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), Foz do Iguaçu, região de fronteira entre o Brasil, a Argentina e o Paraguai.
24 de Novembro | 10h30 – 20h30.
Lille e Villeneuve d’Ascq, França - ciclo de cinema “Cinema português. Antes e depois de 25 de Abril de 1974”.
Este ciclo decorre no âmbito de uma iniciativa do Camões – Centro Cultural Português em Paris e da Cinemateca Portuguesa.
EAST AFRICA CONTINENTAL AWARD - MELHOR FILME DE FICÇÃO, no Djarfogo International Film festival, em São Filipe, Ilha do Fogo.
Livraria Linha de Sombra, Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema.
Online no nosso site!
Sob o tema “Cinema é Liberdade!”, em homenagem aos 50 anos do 25 de Abril, a 13ª edição dos Prémios Sophia realizou-se no dia 26 de maio de 2024, no salão Preto e Prata no Casino Estoril tendo sido novamente apresentado por Margarida Vilanova e Pedro Miguel Ribeiro.
Rui Simões recebeu o Prémio Sophia de Carreira.
Está patente, nos cinemas portugueses, “Primeira Obra”, a primeira longa-metragem de ficção de Rui Simões. Este filme, produzido pela Real Ficção, comemora o 50º aniversário do 25 de Abril, bem como os 50 anos de carreira de Rui Simões e o seu 80º aniversário.
“Primeira Obra” retrata a história de um jovem investigador luso-descendente, Michel, que chega de câmara na mão para pesquisar a Revolução por cumprir e tem um fundo autobiográfico. Em conversa com Simão, cineasta histórico, Michel procura respostas para o seu filme. Quando conhece Susy, ativista ambiental, percebe que o amor é o caminho.
O elenco conta com Zé Bernardino, Ulé Baldé, António Fonseca, Joana Brandão, Maty Galey, Beatriz Gaspar, Jean-Marie Galey, Alice Barros Simões e a participação especial - Dalila Carmo, Manuel João Vieira, Miguel Seabra, Manuel Mozos, Adriana Queiroz , Isabel Ruth Olga Roriz e Filipa Mayer.
Monologues with History, directed by Sol de Carvalho, produced by Real Ficção, is shown today, December 19, at 6:30 pm in a preview at Cine-Teatro Tofo, in Inhambane, Mozambique.
Session with the presence of the director.
Kutchinga, directed by Sol de Carvalho, produced by Real Ficção, has its premiere in Mozambique today, December 18, at 6:30 pm at Cine-Teatro Tofo, in Inhambane. With the presence of the director.
Portunhol, written and directed by Ana Delgado Martins, produced by Real Ficção, now also AVAILABLE outside Portugal, at RTP Play.
O Clube, directed by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, produced by Real Ficção to be shown on the channel TVCine Edition .
Casa Velha, directed by César Pedro, produced by Real Ficção, will be shown at the Centro Cultural Gil Vicente, Sardoal, on December 13th, at 9:30 pm.
With the presence of the director.
O Clube, directed by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, produced by Real Ficção, is selected for the Serendipity Arts Festival, in Goa, taking place during the month of December.
carlos nogueira the house within, film by Luís Alves de Matos, produced by Real Ficção, will be shown tomorrow, November 30th, at 9:30 pm, at the Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema.
With the presence of director Luís Alves de Matos, and artist Carlos Nogueira.
Portunhol, written and directed by Ana Delgado Martins, produced by Real Ficção, is a 7-episode documentary series about sister lands on the Portuguese-Spanish border.
The series premieres today, October 23rd, at 11pm, on RTP1.
Broadcast of 2 episodes, weekly on Mondays.
23 October - 11pm - from Chaves to Alcoutim (double episode)
30 October -11pm - from Vilar Formoso to Elvas (double episode)
6 November - 11pm - from Marvão Às Beiras e Ao Minho (double episode)
13 November - 11pm - Trás-os-Montes
carlos nogueira the house within, film by Luís Alves de Matos, produced by Real Ficção, will be shown on October 21st, at 4pm, at Palácio Anjos, Algés, as part of the exhibition "water. and the house is the world", by artist Carlos Nogueira.
With the presence of director Luís Alves de Matos, artist Carlos Nogueira and curator Catarina Rosendo.
O Clube, directed by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, produced by Real Ficção, will be shown on October 1st, at 6pm, at the Entertainment Society of Goa through Lusophone Film Festival, Goa, India.
Os Fotocines, by Sabrina D. Marques, Se o Mar Deixar, by Luís Alves de Matos and Pedro Aguilar, and Casa Velha, by César Pedro, films produced by Real Ficção, have different airing dates on the TVCine Edition Channel during the month of October.
Essay on Theater, directed by Rui Simões, produced by Real Ficção, will be shown on September 29th, at 9pm, at Teatro-Estúdio Ildefonso Valério, in Alverca, through Imagens no Tejo - Portuguese Cinema Showcase
O Clube, directed by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, produced by Real Ficção, is selected for the Serendipity Arts Festival, in Goa, taking place during the month of December.
O Clube, directed by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, produced by Real Ficção, will be shown on October 1st, at 6pm, at the Entertainment Society of Goa through Lusophone Film Festival, Goa, India.
Essay on Theater, directed by Rui Simões, produced by Real Ficção, will be shown on September 29th, at the Teatro-Estúdio Ildefonso Valério, in Alverca, through Imagens no Tejo - Portuguese Cinema Exhibition
The Club, directed by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, produced by Real Ficção, is selected for the Sofia International Film Festival , Bulgaria.
Kutchinga, directed by Sol de Carvalho, produced by Real Ficção, will be shown on September 17th, at 9pm, at the Neo-Realism Museum in Vila Franca de Xira, through Imagens no Tejo - Portuguese Cinema Exhibition
Se o Mar Deixar, by Luís Alves de Matos, showing at TVCine.
Os Fotocines, directed by Sabrina D. Marques, shown on TVCine a>.
Essay on Theater, directed by Rui Simões, produced by Real Ficção, will be shown on September 10th, at 6pm, at the Neo-Realism Museum in Vila Franca de Xira, through Imagens no Tejo - Portuguese Cinema Exhibition
Ruas da Amargura, directed by Rui Simões, produced by Real Ficção, will be shown on September 10th, at 3pm, at the Neo-Realism Museum in Vila Franca de Xira, through Imagens no Tejo - Portuguese Cinema Exhibition
Kutchinga, directed by Sol de Carvalho, Real Fiction production selected for the Religion Today Film Festival, in Italy, taking place in September.
Episode 6 of the Portunhol series, directed by Ana Delgado Martins, produced by Real Ficção, will be screened on August 18th at 10:45 am (Portuguese time), at the festival Outskirts.
With the presence of the director.
Kutchinga, directed by Sol de Carvalho, produced by Real Ficção, will be screened on August 26th at 11 am (local time) at Kaduna International Film Festival. in Nigeria.
Casa Velha, directed by César Pedro, produced by Real Ficção, will be screened on August 4th and 6th, at 3:40 pm and 1:55 am respectively on the channel TVCine Edition.
If the Sea Allows, a film by Luís Alves de Matos and Pedro Aguilar, produced by Real Ficção, will be screened on July 31st at 7 pm and August 1st at 11 am on the channel TVCine Edition.
If the Sea Allows, by Luís Alvez de Matos, will be shown on Friday, July 14 at 10 pm. Organized by: Cultural and Development Association of Fishermen and Residents of Azenha do Mar
O Clube, directed by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, will be shown at Casa de Goa, Lisbon, with exhibition on July 5th at 6:30 pm. With the presence of the director, and online with Pedro Pombo.
The Photocines, directed by Sabrina D. Marques, will be shown on TVCine a> July 18th at 12:20 pm
Casa Velha, directed by César Pedro, is shown on TVCine . First showing on the 30th of June, at 10 pm.
The Club, directed by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, will be shown at 1st Brasiliana Afro-Asiatica Seminar, São Paulo, Brazil, with screenings on June 30th at 5:10 pm and July 4th at 5:30 pm.
Silêncios, directed by César Pedro, Real Ficção production, is nominated in the category of best documentary short film, Sophia Awards, Portuguese Academy of Cinema.
Zero em Comportamento, in partnership with the Mouraria Innovation Center and BAIRROS, promote Culture around the Corner! – a film festival with nine sessions.
VADIO, by Stefan Lechner, will be shown on the 6th of May, at 9 pm, at the Mouraria Innovation Center, Lisbon.
Debate after session with the presence of the protagonist David Gonçalves.
Casa Velha, directed by César Pedro, is shown on TVCine . First showing on the 30th of June, at 10 pm.
The Club, directed by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, will be shown at 1st Brasiliana Afro-Asiatica Seminar, São Paulo, Brazil, with screenings on June 30th at 9am and July 4th at 9am.
"Primeira Obra", directed by Rui Simões, will be shown at IndieLisboa on April 30th, at 4 pm, at Sala Manoel de Oliveira, Cinema São Jorge.
Conversation after the exhibition.
With the presence of the director, actors, actresses and crew of the film.
"carlos nogueira the house within", directed by Luís Alves de Matos, is shown at IndieLisboa May 3rd, at 7 pm, at Culturgest (Auditorium Emílio Rui Vilar).
Conversation after the exhibition.
With the presence of director and the artist Carlos Nogueira.
THE FOTOCINES, by Sabrina D. Marques, produced by Real Ficção, will be shown on TVCine Edition on April 25th at 8:45 pm, and on April 29th at 3:50 am.
Schedule HERE.
IF THE SEA ALLOWS, by Lúis Alves de Matos, produced by Real Ficção, will be shown on TVCine Edition on April 22nd at 7:15 pm and April 26th at 1:20 am.
Programming HERE.
IN ALICE'S LAND, by director Rui Simões, will be screened on April 15, at 4 pm, at the Cultural Center of Leça do Balio, as part of the 5th edition of Moinho Cine Fest.
IN ALICE'S LAND, by director Rui Simões, produced by Real Ficção will be shown in the early hours of March 26th to 27th, at 4:40 am, at RTP2.
The film High District - Alto Bairro, by Rui Simões, will be shown on March 11, at 3 pm, at the Lisboa Clube Rio de Janeiro (Tv. Dos Inglesinhos, 3, Bairro Alto), in Lisbon
The video club Zero em Comportamento launches "3 SHORT SHORTS ABOUT THE CITY OF LISBON" on video on demand, a set of short films that reveal different perspectives on the city of Lisbon, produced by Real Ficção.
"How many times have you dreamt about me?" and "Goodbye Mister António", by Júlia Buisel. "Your Charming Brown Eyes", by Rui Simões, short film distinguished with an honorable mention by the jury of the 8th Noida International Film Festival, India.
Click here.
IN ALICE'S LAND, by director Rui Simões, will be shown on the 28th of February, at 9.30 pm, at Teatro Virgínia, in Torres Novas.
Kutchinga, by Sol de Carvalho, will be screened on February 18, at 3 pm (local time), in Toronto, Canada, through the Toronto Black Film Festival.
IN ALICE'S LAND, by director Rui Simões, will be screened on February 15, at 2.30 pm, at Cine-Teatro João Verde, in Monção.
Silêncios, by César Pedro, will be shown on the 10th of February, at 9.30 pm, at the José Manuel Figueiredo Cultural Forum, in Moita.
The Club, by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, will be screened on February 5th, at 6:56 pm (local time), in the second edition of "GOA in films" to be held at the Sunaparanta Goa Center for the Arts.
With the presence of the director.
Vadio, by director Stefan Lechner, in VOD at "Zero em Comportamento".
IN ALICE'S LAND, by director Rui Simões, at RTP PLAY.
IN ALICE'S LAND, by director Rui Simões, will be shown on RTP2 on December 18th, at 6.13 pm.
IN ALICE'S LAND, by director Rui Simões, continues for another week at Cinema City Alvalade, with a daily session at 7:30 pm from October 10th to 26th.
Other sessions:
October 24 - Trindade Cinema - 2:30 pm
26th October - Gil Vicente Cultural Center in Sardoal/ Cineclube Espalhafitas - 9:30 pm
November 9 - Ramo Grande Auditorium - Alive Autumn Literary Festival/ Praia da Vitória, Terceira, Azores - 10pm
November 10th - Bento Martins Cine-Teatro/ Chaves Clineclube - 9:30 pm
November 19 - Cineteatro da Chamusca / Chamusca - with the presence of the director
November 27 - Casa da Cultura de Setúbal/ 50 Cuts Associação Cinematográfica - 4pm - with the presence of the director
Essay on Theater, by Rui Simões, will be screened on November 17, at 7:30 pm, at Sala Luís de Pina, Cinemateca Portuguesa - Museu do Cinema, through the cycle "José Saramago no Cinema".
The Club, by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, will be shown on the 16th of November, at 10 am at the Surya Kiran Heritage Hotel, Campal, Panjim, Goa, through the GOA HERITAGE FESTIVAL.
With the presence of the director.
Kutchinga, by Sol de Carvalho, will be screened on November 14, at 9:30 pm, at Castello Lopes Cinemas - Fórum Barreiro, through the Entre Olhares Festival.
With the presence of the director.
Kutchinga, by Sol de Carvalho, is screened on Ilha do Fogo, Cape Verde, through the DJARFOGO INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL.
O Clube, by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, airs on November 10, at 11 pm, on RTP2.
If the Sea Leaves, by Luís Alves de Matos, will be screened at the Mar Film Festival, in Ílhavo, on November 13 at 4 pm, at the Maritime Museum.
IN ALICE'S LAND, by director Rui Simões, on October 13 in Cinemas! Cinema Trindade in Porto, and Cinemas City in Lisbon (Alvalade), Leiria and Setúbal!
7 Oct, 21h, Teatro RibeiraGrandense - Azores - with director
October 13 - Cinema City Classic Alvalade commercial premiere in Lisbon and Cinema Trindade
Oct 13, Cinema City Classic Alvalade, 7pm - with director
14 Oct, Cinemas Trindade - with director
Oct 15, IPJ Auditorium/ Viseu Cineclube, 5pm - with director
Oct 18, Cine-Teatro Paraíso, Tomar, 7pm - with director
If the Sea Allows, by Luís Alves de Matos, is shown at CIneEco , in Seia. The film will be shown on October 11, at 11 am, in the Municipal Auditorium of the Municipality of Seia.
Silences, by César Pedro is in competition at DocLisboa . The film will be screened on October 8, at 9:15 pm in Sala M. Oliveira, Cinema São Jorge, and on October 10, at 4:15 pm in the Small Auditorium of Culturgeste.
IN ALICE'S LAND, by Rui Simões, screened at Dili International Film Festivalon October 5th, at 3 pm, and also at 6:30 pm local time, at Instituto Camões at the Embassy Portuguese in Dili.
"Alto Bairro", by director Rui Simões, at VOD no video "Zero em Comportamento".
If the Sea Allows, a film by Luís Alves de Matos and Pedro Aguilar, will be shown on the 25th of September, at 9 pm, at the Baleeiro Museum, in Lajes do Pico, Pico, Azores.
The film Ole António Ole, by Rui Simões, will be shown on the 17th of September, at 9 pm, at the PIPA Headquarters, in Azinhaga
Session with the presence of the director.
Monologues with the history, by Sol de Carvalho, will be shown on September 3, at 7 pm, throught Kugoma, at the CCFM - Centro Cultural Franco-Moçambicano, in Maputo, Mozambique.
Session with the presence of the director.
"Os Fotocines", by Sabrina D. Marques, will be shown on Saturday, September 17 at 4:15 pm in the Auditorium of the Museum of Neo-Realism and school sessions on Thursday 29 at 4:40 pm in the auditorium of the Alves Redol school and on Monday October 3 at 4:30 pm in the auditorium of Escola Prof. Reynaldo dos Santos;
"Se o Mar Deixar": Saturday, September 24 at 6:30 pm at Associação Alves Redol and school session Thursday 29 at 10:15 am in the auditorium of Alves Redol school;
"No País de Alice": Sunday, September 18 at 9.30 pm in the Auditorium of the Museum of Neo-Realism.
IMPORTANT NOTE: School sessions are subject to a new confirmation because it will depend on the school timetable.
For more information click here.
The Blub, film by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, is NOMINATED in the COMPETITION CATEGORY for 16IFF 2022, in JAIPUR, INDIA.
The film will be screened from August 24 to 26, 2022 (8:30am to 1:30pm) in auditoriums of different schools in Jaipur.
With the presence of the director.
More info here.
The "Casa do Professor" (Maputo, Mozambique) screens the film Special Envoy, by Nalini elvino de Sousa, on August 17, at 6 pm.
With the director's online presence.
NO PAIS DE ALICE, by director Rui Simões, is selected for the Avanca Film Festival. The film will be shown on July 29 at 2:30 pm in the Parish Auditorium, in Avanca.
With the presence of the director.
For more information click here.
OS Fotocines, a film by Sabrina D. Marques, will be screened on August 5, at 3 pm, at the Casa da Cultura, through the Melgaço International Documentary Festival, where it is selected
With director's presence.
For more information click here.
The Film Cycle "Solveig Nordlund - Um Percurso Singular", organized by the Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema, screens on the 18th of this month, July, at 18:30, the film my other country, by director Solveig Nordlund, in the Luís de Pina, Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema.
The Film Cycle "Solveig Nordlund - Um Percurso Singular", organized by Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema, screens on the 11th of this month, July, at 7:30 pm, the film SOU AUTHOR DO MEU NOME Mia Couto, by director Solveig Nordlund , in the Luís de Pina room, Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema.
O Clube, a film by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, will be screened on May 9, at 9 pm, at Aveiro Arts House (Rua do Príncipe Perfeito, nº14), through the festival “MEYES – Music to our eyes”, in Aveiro.
FESTin - Festival of Itinerant Film of the Portuguese Language participates in the celebration “Luanda, Capital of Lusofonia” with an exhibition of four feature films and ten short films, coming from four countries participating in the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries ( CPLP), namely Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Mozambique and Portugal, taking place from the 1st to the 5th of May, in Luanda.
Free entrance.
The film by César Pedro, "Casa Velha", will be shown on the 3rd of May, at 6:30 pm, at the Wiza Auditorium – Fundação Arte e Cultura, in Luanda, Angola.
The Clube, a film by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, screens from May 7th to 16th ON-DEMAND, through the Pan African Youths Film and Arts Festival, in Lagos, Nigeria.
The film is nominated for best documentary.
If the Sea Allows, a film by Luís Alves de Matos and Pedro Aguilar, will be shown on the 1st of May, at 4 pm, in Brejão, Odemira.
The film is shown at the Brejão Social Center.
Free entry.
Bom Povo Português, by Rui Simões, will be shown on the 26th of April, at 7:30 pm, at the Cinemateca Portuguesa - Museu do Cinema, in the context of the cycle JOSÉ MÁRIO BRANCO – DEATH NEVER EXISTIED.
Session with the presence of the director.
"Deus, Pátria, Autoridade", a film by Rui Simões, will be shown on the 24th of April, at 6 pm, at Fábrica Braço de Prata, in Lisbon.
The session includes a conversation with the director, at the end of the film screening.
Organized by Casa Amarela - Cineclube.
OS Fotocines, a film by Sabrina D. Marques, will be shown on the 4th of April, at 9:30 pm, at the Miguel Franco Theater, in Leiria.
The exhibition is part of the Cycle “Portuguese Cinema in Chapters” - TIME.
For more information click here.
If the Sea Allows, by Luis Alves de Matos, will be shown on the 1st of April, at 9:30 pm, at Cinemateca Portuguesa. Session presented by the director.
São Pedro da Cova, directed by Rui Simões, will be screened at the PCP Work Centre, Porto, through the PCP Centenary Commemoration Film Cycle, on April 3, at 4 pm.
With the presence of the director in a posthumous conversation that will have Rui Simões, Daniel Vieira (historian and member of the PCP) and Micaela Santos (director of the São Pedro da Cova Mineiro Museum) as participants.
With the exhibition "FOI ASSIM HÁ 40", which is part of the photographic collection of the Museu Mineiro de São Pedro Da Cova.
The film The Club, by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, will be screened on March 25th, 18p.m/19:30p.m, at NYU University in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
With the presence of the director and Pedro Pombo, the co-writer, via zoom.
Lisbon's Under Arrest, by Marta Pessoa, to be shown on March 19, at 4:30 pm, at Casa Branca, Sousel.
With the presence of the director, Marta Pessoa, and Rita Palma, responsible for the sound and editing of the film.
Free entry, with voluntary contribution.
OS Fotocines, a film by Sabrina D. Marques, will be screened on March 20, at 4:30 pm, at Auditório JoSÉ Vareda, Sport Operário Marihense, in Marinha Grande.
Debate with the director and former combatants Artur Marques, José Medeiros, and Alípio Alves.
If the Sea Allows, by Luís Alves de Matos, will be shown on the 4th of March at Lethes Theatre, Faro, by Festival Scianema 2022, in collaboration with Cineclube de Faro.
For more information click here.
The House, a film by Rui Simões, will be screened on March 3, at 6 pm, at UCCLA - Union of Portuguese-Speaking Capital Cities, through the Film Festival "De Dentro e Fora".
Talk with the director at the end of the session.
Free entrance.
For more information click here.
The short film Lei da Gravidade, a film by Tiago Rosa-Rosso and André Torres, will be screened on January 26, at 9:30 pm, at the Miguel Franco Theater, in Leiria, before the screening of the film "If I wasn't a thief ... stole", by Paulo Rocha.
The exhibition is part of the Cycle “Cinema Português em Capítulos” - PROLOGUE.
For more information click here.
SALÃO LISBOA is an Itinerant Exhibition of Portuguese Cinema that returns Cinema to Lisbon's neighborhoods, to spaces for sharing, conviviality and happiness.
Vadio - I Am not a Poet, by Stefan Lechner, will be shown on January 16, in Alfama (Lisbon), at Sociedade Boa União (Beco das Cruzes 9) at 4:30 pm.
With the presence of the director, Stefan Lechner and the fado singer, character in the film, David Gonçalves.
For more information click here.
Casa Velha, by César Pedro, and If the Sea Allows, by Luís Alves de Matos are selected for the FIBDA - Buenos Aires International Documentary Film Festival
Exhibitions will take place online. If the Sea Allows will be online in the week of January 24-31, 2022, at LUMITON. COM.AR. Casa Velha will be online the week of January 10-17, 2022, at OCTUBRETV.COM .
For more information click here.
Os Fotocines, by Sabrina D.Marques, will be screened on December 13th at 7 pm, at Cinema Fernando Lopes, at Universidade Lusófona.
The film will be presented as part of the Utopia festival program. Admission is free and no prior registration is required. It will also be presented online, exclusively for UK audiences.
The Club, by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, will be screened on December 12th, at 7:30 pm, at Dar Es Salaam Institute, in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
The film Gestos&Fragmentos, by Alberto Seixas Santos, is screened on RTP2 on the night of December 4th to 5th, at around 00:30h.
Occasionally there may be adjustment of the time of exhibition.
You can follow here the schedule
Casa Velha, by César Pedro, and If the Sea Allows, by Luís Alves de Matos are selected for the 12th FESTin – Itinerant Film Festival of the Portuguese Language, taking place from the 17th to the 24th of November.
The exhibitions will take place at CINEMA SÃO JORGE (Av. da Liberdade, 175, Lisbon) - on November 17, at 7p.m and 9.30pm, and at CINEMA CITY ALVALADE (Av. de Roma 100, Lisbon) - From November 18 to 21, at 7pm.
There will also be online exhibition, free of charge upon user registration, through FESTin ON (http://festinon.com) - From November 19th to 21st, in nine Portuguese-speaking countries: Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau , Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe, and East Timor.
For more information click here.
The film Vadio, by Stefan Lechner, will be screened on November 15th, at 3 pm, at the Vila Franca de Xira Parish Council, through the replacement of films from the Portuguese Film Festival
For more information p> click here.
The film O Clube, by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, will be screened on November 13, at 2 pm, in Reichshof Kulturbühne, in Bayreuth, Germany
Os Fotocines, by Sabrina D.Marques, is in competition in Outros Olhares selection, of the "Caminhos do Cinema Português" Festival, where it is awarded the Best Film Award.
The screening of the film is on November 9th, at 9.45 pm, at Casa do Cinema de Coimbra.
For more information click here.
If the sea allows, by Luís Alves de Matos, will be screened on November 8th, at 8 pm, in Berlin, through Mostra Portuguese Cinema Days in Berlin/ Os Dias do Cinema Português in Berlin. An initiative of the Association 2314 - Portugiesischer Kulturverein in Berlin e.V., in collaboration with Cinema Moviemento. The exhibition features several recent films, many of them awarded, with a wide variety of genres and themes, and has the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - MNE and Caixa Geral de Depósitos.
For more information click here.
Goodbye, Mister António, by Júlia Buisel, and Casa Velha, by César Pedro, selected for the Portuguese Film Festival "Entre Olhares - Mostra de Cinema Português", which takes place from 6 to 21 November in Barreiro. For more information click here.
In Alice's Land - film by Rui Simões, selected for the Mostra Internacional de Cinema / São Paulo International Film Festival , which this year takes place in a hybrid format from October 21st to November 3rd. For more information click here .
JGoodbye, Mister António, by Júlia Buisel, will be screened on October 21, at 8 pm, at the Camões Cultural Center, in Vigo
For more information click here.
Rui Simões took the stage of the Inatel 2021 Social Gala to receive the INATEL Merit Award | Cinema and Theatre, which took place at Teatro da Trindade, in Lisbon, yesterday, October 12th.
Through the Merit Awards, the Inatel Foundation distinguishes and thanks the actions of people and organizations in the field of sustainable development, which relate to its main areas of activity: Culture, Sport, Tourism and Social Intervention.
The ceremony was attended by Fátima Lopes, in the presentation, and by Helder Moutinho, one of the most charismatic and genuine Fado singers of today.
To view the gala click click here.
Monolgues with the History, by Sol de Carvalho, was selected for the Festival Cine Inclusão taking place in Brazil .
From the 19th to the 23rd of October.
Vadio - I Am not a poet, by Stefan Lechner, will be screened on September 30, at 9 pm, at Centro Cívico Edmundo Pedro, Alvalade CineClube, through the film cycle "Ai Portugal, Portugal..."
The project, by Mozambican director Sol de Carvalho, will receive funding from a German film support fund, associated with the Berlin Film Festival.
See here.
Monolgues with the History, by Sol de Carvalho, was selected for Festival Cinémas d'Afrique to take place between the 18th and the 22nd of September in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Exhibition on Setemper 22 at 6 pm.
MIA COUTO ON RADIO COMERCIAL Friday, the 23rd at 8:00 pm on the program "ERA O QUE LATAVA" with Rui Maria Pêgo and Ana Martins
Unwavering Light, by Luís Alves de Matos, is part of the cycle No País do Cinema organized by the association Filhos Lumiere< /a> in partnership with the Gaivotas l Boavista Cultural Pole - Lisbon City Council.
The exhibition has the presence of the director Luís Alves de Matos.
It will take place at the Polo Cultural on the 25th of August at 21:30!
The documentary by Solveig Nordlund, I'm the Author of My Name Mia Couto, will be screened on RTP2 on July 5th at 22:55.
More information here.
OS FOTOCINES, by Sabrina D. Marques, will be screened on July 2 at 6 pm in the Dr. Félix Ribeiro Room, at Cinemateca Portuguesa - Museum of Cinema, in Lisbon.
The session will be presented by the director Sabrina D. Marques, followed by a conversation with the audience and speakers José Sanches Ramos and José Alves Pereira.
Júlia Buisel's most recent short film, Adeus Senhor António, is nominated for best fiction short film at the Sophia 2021 Awards. For more information click here.
The Photocines, directed by Sabrina D. Marques, will have their grand debut on national television (RTP2), on the next night of April 24th to April 25th at 00:25. For more information click here .
Brandos Costumes, by Alberto Seixas Santos, will be screened on April 24, at 23:20, on RTP2. For more information click here .
"Special Envoy" portrays the story of Aquino de Bragança, a man who fought his entire life for peace in Africa. For more information click here .
Good Portuguese People, by Rui Simões, will be screened on April 30th at 6:30 pm at the José Manuel Figueiredo Cultural Forum (Moita). The film will have free entry and is programmed by the Municipality of Moita in partnership with URAP - União dos Resistentes Antifascistas Portugueses.
- "How many times have you dreamed of me": 20 June at 2:30 pm in the VFX Parish Council Auditorium; school session at Escola Alves Redol on the 16th at 15:40.
- "Special Envoy": June 10 at 10 am at Associação Alves Redol; school session at Escola Alves Redol on 15th at 4:40 pm
- "Your Brown Eyes of Enchanting Sizes": June 18th at 10am at Associação Alves Redol; school session at Escola Alves Redol on 15th at 8:15 am.
- "Vadio": June 10 at 9:30 pm at Associação Alves Redol ; School sessions School Prof. Reynaldo dos Santos on the 8th at 8:25 am and on the 15th at 1:40 pm.
- "I am Author of My Name Mia Couto": June 12th at 4 pm at Associação Alves Redol; school session at Escola Alves Redol on the 16th at 15:40.
Enviado Especial, by Nalini Elvino de Sousa, will be screened at the Portuguese Film Festival on June 11 at 10 am at Associação Alves Redol, and at the school session at Escola Alves Redol on June 15 at 4:40 pm.
For more information click here and here.
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