
If you can look see. If you can see notice


Viseu, May 2003: the O Bando theatre group is preparing and rehearsing the theatrical version of José Saramago's ESSAY ABOUT BLINDNESS, following the action pursued within the "Percursos" project, organised by the CPA/CCB.


Director | Rui Simões
Image | Rui Simões and Jacinta Barros
editting | Márcia Costa
Original Music | Jorge Salgueiro
Ultimate generic music | Carlos Bica
Tiltes | Luís M. Bernardo
Production management | Jacinta Barros
Production | real fiction
Staging and Dramaturgy | João Brites
Scenic Space | Rui Francisco
Orality | Teresa Lima
Corporality | Luca Aprea
Props | Clara Bento
Costumes | Maria Matteucci
Staging Assistance | Miguel Moreira
Direction | Natércia Campos
Production | André Pato